To the theologian street preachers who have the overwhelming burden to be out on the street, where the world hates Christ, sharing the gospel with those who are perishing.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The 5 Solas Conference
Wolf Creek Baptist Church held it’s annual men’s conference this year on the “5 Solas” of the reformation. Over 40 men from across the state of Montana showed up for the event. Some drove 8 hours from eastern Montana to get here. There were pastors and laymen from Dillon, Helena, Sheridan, Great Falls, Thompson Falls, Clinton and Sidney. Rick Robinson from Clinton Community Church started us off with Soli Deo Gloria. Rick kept everyone’s attention and kept the crowd involved as he taught on the Glory of God.
Scott Doherty preached next on Solo Christo by expounding Colossians chapter 1 verses 13-20 followed by some time for fellowship and dinner. We had good music this year. The group called “Accounted For” came and sang before and after each sermon. The group was composed of Pete Milne, Glenda Milne, Dana Burns and Pete Milne Jr. They did a fantastic job and everyone was well pleased with it. We ate a great dinner of chicken fried steak catered by the 7 R guest ranch where the conference was held.
After dinner Don Jabaay of Green Meadow Christian Reformed Church took the pulpit and preached on Sola Scriptura. He did an excellent job in teaching us about the Scripture through Church History and then challenged all of us to saturate all things with Scripture. One funny part of Don’s sermon was when he was speaking of the heresies that came out of California, he referred to the state as the land of fruits and nuts. Little did Don know that Joseph Moyer was from California.
The last speaker of the night was Joseph Moyer from Westside Baptist church in Great Falls who preached on Sola Fida. Joseph started off by introducing himself as a pastor from the land of fruits and nuts. Everyone was rolling. Joseph preached a powerful sermon that convicted and encouraged many to step out on faith. He said that God will bring us to the edge of a cliff and tell us to jump by faith. If we do it will build our faith as we are obedient to Him and if we don’t then God will kick us off the cliff anyway. Joseph preached into the night to a crowd of men and dogs. It got pitch black. In fact, it was so dark that we couldn’t see Joseph anymore nor could he see us. As he preached we could look up at the stars. God was glorified.
We fellowshipped afterwards into the night and hit the sack. In the morning we met for a big breakfast at 8 am. Mike Hyatt from Calvary Baptist Church in Helena preached to us on Sola Scriptura in the lodge as we sipped coffee. Hyatt was a very captivating speaker and kept our attention as he expounded 2 Timothy chapter 3. Mike emphasized that we must compare all things to the Scriptures alone as opposed to going by feelings.
Rob Jackson of Wolf Creek Baptist Church preached on Sola Gratia from Exodus and Ephesians to end the conference. He spoke of the danger of playing on people’s emotions to convert them when only by the Grace of God can someone be saved. He said that we should rely on God to save men and not our ability to talk them into something. The conference was a great event and all the men were encouraged to be like Sampson’s foxes with their tails on fire. We were to spread out across Montana burning with zeal and truth to proclaim the biblical gospel wherever we were at.

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