So how should a Christian celebrate Christmas? Well I think it is a matter of conscience. I think it is between you and God since you will be accountable to God for the way you lived and the way you taught you’re kids. We do know that Jesus was not born on December 25th and that the wise men, also in the manger scene, didn’t show up until some time after Jesus was born. So it is very clear that we are not celebrating on the actual day Jesus was born.
No matter when Jesus was born I think we should celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. This was a one time miracle when the God of the Universe, the Creator became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. Whether you celebrate this on December 25th or in September I don’t think it matters. One thing I think does matter though is actually focusing on the birth of Christ and not just adding Jesus into the mix of all your other traditions.
So many Christians are crying out this time of year that “Jesus is the reason for the season” or “keep Christ in Christmas”, but how many of these same people actually take the time out themselves to focus on Jesus. Look at yourself. How much time do you spend shopping for gifts and how much time do you think, discuss and tell people about the birth of Christ? How much time do you spend opening presents Christmas morning and how much time do you take to read the Biblical account of Jesus’ birth and discuss it with you kids.
It is so easy, as a Christian, to say we celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas but how much do we actually do it. Look at your kids, their actions, are they more excited about presents or Jesus? I think we all fail at this and need to strive to be separate from the world and focus on Jesus Christ this time of year.

As true Christians let us focus on Psalm 115:1 this Christmas which says, “Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but to your name give glory.” Why give glory to a mythical fat man and indulge in worldly traditions that distract and diminish the glory of God when we can give all the glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, who bore all our sins and has cleansed every stain. Just something to think about.
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