Jeff Smith from Denver, CO preaching |
The Wolf Creek Men's conference on the Names and Attributes of God took place last weekend. It was such a great conference and we all had great fellowship, building new friendships and strengthening others. Some amazing things happened at the conference and we could see God in it. It is a very amazing thing to get a room full of men together singing and worshiping God. We had great music thanks to Fellowship Baptist Church of Sidney supplying their men to lead us. One of the funniest things that happened was when Tim Killillay prayed over John Wallace that if John never glorified God in his preaching that God would strike him dead and preach through his corpse. This is Mr. Killillay. We all understood what Tim meant but we all joked about it the rest of the weekend. I do believe that in the conference, God was glorified, the burden of others were carried, Christians were fed spiritually to overflowing, new friendships were made, and the Spirt of God was present. Here are some pictures.
Fellowship Baptist Church Worship |
We never starved at the conference |
Michael Saville from Helena preaching |
Myself preaching on Jehovah Jireh
Good Conversation |
Surprise, Surprise, Jordan Hall preaching on the Wrath of God |
John Wallace of Big Timber |
A few of the Wallace boys |
I was also ordained on Sunday, which was a great honor. Leo, Rob, Jeff, John, Matt and Jordan prayed over me and commissioned me to a life of misson work in Peru. |
What's this "surprise surprise" business?
The surprise surprise buisness is all about this: John Wallace asked his wife to guess what attribute Jordan choose without even looking at the list and she guessed wrath. You were the perfect and obvious choice for wrath and you shook the house down with the sermon
Sure would have been nice if Mr Wrath would have hit the record button....
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